
This is me as a non-Fungible token!! How cool is this!?
This is blockchain big! #thisisblockchainbig
Advanced Medicine Marketplace #advancedmedicineontheblockchain
Corrective Bodyworks #correctivebodyworks



The answer is simple: If you don’t work with CrowdPoint then find someone in the Blockchain to work with. Anyone who is able to find themselves working on the forefront of cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, and compaction and distributed systems will benefit greatly.

Today, there are so few professionals in the marketplace today with the skills and expertise necessary to compete in the emerging Blockchain Ecosystem. At CrowdPoint we train you how to transfer what you learn to other industries seeking to transition to the Blockchain.

CrowdPoint’s Blockchain, which is kept under a codename, has features that are unheard of in 2021.

Yes, sorry current “blockchain experts” who have chosen to build on gen1 Blockchains. Our technology is not what your grandfather built.

Imagine being able to have blockchain powered websites using web browsers that carry private keys in the browser and being able to sign transactions against nodes on the block directly – – – in the browser for order book transactions – – and report them vertically by Industry Sector while updating your entire supply chain – instantly.

Every node in our Blockchain technology network is an API server as well as a participant in Blockchain construction and consensus.

Yes read that again.

This gives our users the ability to upload websites onto the Blockchain, every participating node can serve those webpages. Now those webpages can then turn around and make use of other Blockchain installed APIs like order-books and other APIs, etc.

CrowdPoint’s blockchain is revolutionary! It is so because a website or application and all of the APIs that the website uses are delivered from the Blockchain.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

If you are looking to join our Blockchain Ecosystem we have a number of ways you can join.

My personal recommendation? Decentralized ID (DiD)

According to Cyber Security Ventures, Cyber crime will reach $ 10 Trillion. At the heart of what is driving more criminal activity than the global drug trade combined? Your identity. The Human Identity drives all global commerce whether it is legitimate or criminal. Create a Decentralized ID to protect it. 

It all starts here, join us in making history!

Planned Patented Vaccine Genocide Proof


Stew Peters: Interview With Dr. David Martin Where He Makes Explosive Claims Of ‘Patented Genocide’__

*** MUST WATCH *** Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative. Credit to Stew Peters & Dr David Martin. …